Monday, December 17, 2007


Russia has made its first shipment of nuclear fuel to the Iranian nuclear plant. Despite pressure from mostly the U.S., Russia is building the plant in Iran. The U.S. has insisted that the nuclear plant is for nuclear weapons purposes but Iran insists it is for power purposes. Iran says it will need 80 tons of nuclear fuel for the initial process. Thats a lot of nuclear fuel.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

December 3rd Current Events

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Russia has held its parliamentary elections over the week. Although, it has said to be the most fraudulent election since the Soviet Union. Voters were supposedly forced to vote for the United Russia party. This is also the party that the current President Vladimir Putin is a part of. This could all be an attempt to get Putin back into the position of president, despite the fact that according to the Constitution of Russia this would be illegal since he has already served. Corruption seems to be back in Russia once again.

Huckabee, Obama surge in Iowa
Huckabee, Obama surge in Iowa

The caucus in Iowa has come out with new leaders at the top of the political parties for the presidential race. Mike Huckabee is now on top for the Republican party, overcoming Mitt Romney. Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a couple percentages for the Democratic party. This is the beginning of many more polls to be taken, but this is just a window to what could be the result later ones.

Early winter mix
Early winter mix

Some of the first heavy winter storms have struck in the northeast, and New York especially. At least 10 deaths have been a result of this storm from traffic. Northern Maine could potentially get 20 inches of snow. Many flights have been cancelled or delayed due to the weather.

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The makers of "World of Warcraft" and "Guitar Hero" are merging together for a very large sum of money. The two companies combined are valued at $18.9 billion. The new company will be named Activision Blizzard. Both of these companies are two of the largest successes in the video game industry. Just imagine the power they will have combined. Watch out Electronic Arts; you are in for a rough ride.

Latest health hardship: The night shift
Latest health hardship: The night shift

I must say, this one is interesting. Supposedly, working the night shift increases a person's risk of cancer. Working at night instead of the day decreases the bodies hormone melatonin. If a person does work at night they can decrease the risk by working in well lit places. Seems to me about everything causes cancer nowadays. But anyways, stay in the light and maybe you'll live longer.


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Currently the Colts are dominating the AFC South division. The Colts beat Jacksonville 28-25, putting them in the lead of the division by 2 games with 4 more to go. They are 2nd in the conference, right behind the undefeated Patriots.